In order to provide the best possible care for their patients, many physicians are requesting that Pre-Treatment or Pre-Surgical Evaluations be conducted prior to medical treatment.

These evaluations may be used to determine readiness for treatment or surgery; one’s understanding of what is involved in the procedure; prior and current mental health; willingness to modify behaviors; one’s ability to adopt a new, often healthier, lifestyle; and finally, one’s ability to cope with the consequences of the recommended medical intervention.

We take a collaborative approach to working with assessment clients. We work together to develop goals for testing and to identify the questions that need to be answered. We continue to work with you throughout the assessment to reach your goals.

Afterwards, if necessary, we meet with you to review the test results, help you relate them to your original goals and questions for the assessment, assist you in identifying the next steps forward, and provide you with a written report.


Pre-Operative Bariatric Surgery Psychological Evaluation